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CMA CGM introduces new surcharges on shipments from the Far East

2 months ago

CMA CGM introduces new surcharges on shipments from the Far East

In response to ongoing port congestion in Beira, Mozambique, CMA CGM has announced the introduction of a Port Congestion Surcharge (PCS), effective from December 22, 2024. This surcharge will be applied to shipments originating from the Far East—covering China, Hong Kong & Macau SAR, North East Asia, and South East Asia—and destined for Beira, Mozambique, at a rate of US$270 per TEU for all cargo types.

Additionally, CMA CGM has declared the implementation of a Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) starting December 7, 2024, with no end date specified. This surcharge will affect reefer cargo originating from the Far East regions mentioned above and destined for Ecuador, with a charge of US$1,000 per container.

Source: Container News