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Container Spills from CMA CGM Vessels Off South Africa

6 months ago

Container Spills from CMA CGM Vessels Off South Africa

Adverse weather conditions have resulted in the loss of 99 containers from yet another large CMA CGM vessel off the coast of South Africa, as confirmed by the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).

In response, authorities have issued a navigational warning to nearby vessels and urged the public to report any sightings of containers that may still be afloat.

The incident occurred on the 13,000 TEU CMA CGM Belem, a vessel equipped with a wind shield and recently delivered from Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard earlier this year. The container stow collapse took place late last Thursday near Richards Bay.

This marks the second such incident for CMA CGM in just a month. Previously, the 18,000 TEU CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin lost 40 containers off South Africa’s east coast.

Source: Seatrade Maritime News